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On July 4, 2026, communities across the nation will celebrate the 250th anniversary of our great nation. Planning for celebrations and commemorations is underway NOW, at the federal, statewide, and local levels. On November 10, 2021, the Chester County Commissioners signed a resolution to create the Chester County America250 PA Commission (CC250).
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Mission, Vision & Aims
CC250 Mission
To inspire and engage all our communities in commemoration of America's founding, connecting Chester County's stories to the nation's past, present, and future.
CC250 Vision
Chester County residents will take pride in the many contributions the County has made to developing and protecting American democracy and will be renewed in their desire to continue their commitment to building a more perfect union together.
CC250 Aims
To honor the boldness of our nation's founders, CC250 ambitiously envisions a 250th anniversary that promotes unity, education, and civic engagement.
This requires the participation of all throughout Chester County. This milestone anniversary gives each and every person the opportunity to strengthen common bonds, hear each other's voices, and re-dedicate ourselves to the ongoing pursuit of our country's founding principles on our continuing journey to form a more perfect union.
Throughout Chester County, it is our hope that CC250 commemorations and celebrations will lead to these outcomes:
- Inspire pride in the American spirit
- Educate and foster a deeper understanding of our founding principles, our democratic institutions, and Chester County’s unique role in America’s history before its founding, and after its founding to the present day
- Spark civic engagement and community volunteerism
- Encourage people to come together to promote the common good
- Honor and thank active-duty military, veterans and their families for their service and their sacrifices
- Spark engaging, revolutionary programs, activities and events throughout Chester County
- Strengthen the ties between our historic sites, historic societies, and historic commissions in promoting our shared heritage and common mission
- Increase cultural heritage tourism
- Encourage and engage a lasting advocacy for the preservation of the physical evidence of Chester County's history, before, during, and after America's founding
- Make a lasting legacy impact in Chester County's pride in its cultural heritage resources and civic engagement for generations to come.
Strategic Plan
CC250's Strategic Plan guides the work of the Commission and its committees. Workplans are updated monthly. View the Executive Summary.
CC250's Overarching Goal is to promote interactive, inclusive, compelling experiences to commemorate and celebrate America’s 250th anniversary throughout 2026. CC250 initiatives shall help Chester County communities and visitors to:
- encounter the many ways in which Chester County participated in and influenced our nation's past, and
- elevate our understanding of our continuing journey to build a more perfect union.
We will draw upon Chester County's unique array of Heritage Sites, combined with Community Events and compelling History and Civics Education initiatives, focusing on:
CC250 Commission
Bylaws of the CC250 Commission were adopted on July 12, 2022 and amended on December 7, 2023.
- The Bylaws provide for up to 35 members of the CC250 Commission.
- Commission members are expected to actively attend monthly meetings by zoom or sometimes in person, and actively serve on at least one Committee. Attendance and active positive participation is important.
From time to time, there are openings on the CC250 Commission.
- Those who are Interested in serving on the C250 Commission are encouraged to join a Committee first, to become familiar with the overall focus and expectations. To join a Committee, contact us.
- Those who are interested in joining the CC250 Full Commission should contact us to make their desires known, discuss the work of the Commission and their areas of expertise, and the timing of possible CC250 Commission openings. This CC250 Commission application form should also be filled and submitted to the County Commissioners' office.
CC250 Commission
Chair: Michelle Kichline, Esq. — Lamb McErlane PC
Vice Chair: Winifred Moran Sebastian, Esq. — Lamb McErlane PC
Vice Chair: James Garrison — Retired
Corporate Secretary: MaryFrances McGarrity — Chester County Economic Development Council
Committee Leadership
- Mark Slouf — Mark D. Slouf Custom Building and Design
- Randell Spackman — Chadds Ford Historical Society
- Robert Williams — Tredyffrin Township Historical Commission
- Mary Sue Boyle — Mary Sue Boyle and Company
- James Christ — Paoli Battlefield Preservation Fund
- Barbara Cohen — Schuylkill River Heritage Center
- Jane Dorchester — Jane Dorchester Historic Preservation Consulting
- Fernando Fonseca — Philadelphia Continental Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution
- Jennifer Green — Chester County History Center
- Larycia Hawkins, Ph.D. — Lincoln University
- Susan Hamley — Chester County Conference and Visitors Bureau
- Conor Hepp — Chester County History Center
- Paul Kahan — American Helicopter Museum & Education Center
- Laura Manion — Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry
- Bruce Mowday — Chester County publisher and author
- Jim Scanlon, Ed.D. — Independent Education Consultant
- Beverly Sheppard — BKS Consulting
- Krystine Sipple — Oxford Area Historical Association
- dr. tonya thames-taylor — West Chester University and People's Hall
- James Ziegler — National Iron and Steel Heritage Museum
CC250 Commission Meetings
- Full CC250 Commission meetings typically are held first Thursdays from 4-6 pm.
- Meetings are recorded and follow Robert's Rules of Order. The public is welcome to attend meetings in person or via Zoom.
- RSVPs are encouraged so that zoom links can be sent &/or seating is sufficient.
- The Public Comment portion of Commission meetings is the last 10 minutes.
Upcoming Meetings
April 3, 2025
Hybrid: Zoom + Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, 1600 Paoli Pike, Malvern 19355
View agenda View Minutes
June 5, 2025
Hybrid: Zoom + Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, 1600 Paoli Pike, Malvern 19355
View agenda View Minutes
September 4, 2025
Hybrid: Zoom + Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, 1600 Paoli Pike, Malvern 19355
View agenda View Minutes
November 6, 2025
Zoom from 28 W. Market St., WC PA 19382
View agenda View Minutes